
All Tracks are fashioned to accommodate a variety of musicians. Each track will include classes in rudimentary music Basic Conducting, Music History and General  Musicianship  classes, etc.

Track A
Classical music

(standard classical training for all medium of instruction)

Piano, Keyboard, Flute, Violin, Cello, Singing/Vocals, Recorder, Guitar, Theory Composition

Ensembles—Academy Choir, Guitar & String Ensemble Bands and Instrumental and Vocal ensembles

Track B

(a variety of contemporary music genres)

Lead  Guitar, Bass Guitar, Theory & Composition, Drums Guitar, Keyboard, Vocal

Ensembles—Bands exploring different genres of contemporary and fusion music

Track C

(specified courses for the church worship leader/ musician)

  • Band  Dynamics: Lead Guitar, Bass Guitar, Rhythm, Acoustic
  • Theory Rudiments: Basic Notation, Time & Key signatures, Chord analysis etc
  • Private Lessons: Elective Instrument of choice/Voice
  • Basic Conducting: Conducting techniques, leading a group of  singers, choir etc.
  • General Musicianship: Tonic Sol-fa, Aural awareness, Rhythm, etc
  • Biblical Principles for the Church Musician: A series of Bible classes tailored to developing understanding, character and maturity for the church musician

Our Exam Board

The international exam board for the performing arts and English language. Whatever your musical tastes, Trinity College London has the musical qualifications for you 

Qualifications and Affiliations- Assessments  at MAK are done so with local and overseas expertise in every designated subject (Instrumental, vocal or otherwise). At MAK we offer the necessary graded study of instruments, vocal and theory subjects. In addition to that, we also have courses that are specially designed for musicians who need courses that are not often available in the usual curriculum. Some such courses are – MUSIC PRODUCTION, CONDUCTING, WORSHIP, etc.

We are also the Official center for the international assessment board for music, language and drama- Trinity College London.

Every year Trinity College London supports the music education of thousands of students with assessments across a wide spectrum including popular, jazz, contemporary and classical music,from beginne9rs right up to diplomas for the most advanced candidates.Trinity College London graded examinations and diplomas span performing, teaching, theory of music and composing, all of which are fully accredited by the relevant UK regulatory bodies. All Trinity College London examiners are professional musicians, and the candidate is at the heart of focus.


All Certificates issued for students that appear exams will be under the international Music exams board

Trinity College London offer graded, certificate and diploma exams for Classical music on all instruments for as well as grade and diploma exams for Theory, Rock & Pop exams for bass, drums, guitar, keyboards and vocals, and graded Theory exams go to grade 8, drama and speech, English etc

For more info, go to


Local Area Representative Nagaland for
Trinity College London (the international examinations board)
Director- Music Academy Kohima
M- 091 9436815998